Laurie is a personal finance freelance writer as well as a licensed Realtor.
Laurie writes and conducts real estate business while being a (largely) stay-at-home mom to her four children.
She has been writing about personal finance topics for over six years.

Shark Tank Net Worth in 2020
If you haven’t watched it, you’ve probably at least heard of Shark Tank. This reality television series concept first aired in Japan in 2001 under the name Dragon’s Den. The American version of the show, Shark Tank, began airing in 2009 under the...
Andrew Frankel’s Net Worth in 2020
Andrew Frankel may not be a household name quite yet. However, the powerful businessman is fast becoming a celebrity, in large part, thanks to his wife. Just who is Andrew Frankel, how much is he worth and who is the famous wife that thrust him into the Hollywood...
Alex Jones’ Net Worth in 2020
While you may or may not agree with his views, Alex Jones is certainly entertaining enough. For those not in the know, Alex Jones is a popular conspiracy theorist and radio talk show host. He talks for hours each day (along with staff) on the (true or imagined...
Jordan Peele Net Worth in 2020
Actor and Director Jordan Peele made history in early 2018. People everywhere cheered when Peele became the first African American to win an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. His film “Get Out”, is a social thriller that tackles the hidden horrors of...
Chip and Joanna Gaines Net Worth in 2020
Do you watch the adored home improvement show Fixer Upper? On the show, husband and wife team Chip and Joanna Gaines help couples find homes they want to buy. The homes need varying amounts of improvements, which are left to Chip, a contractor, and Joanna, a designer....
7 Must Have Keys to Financial Success
Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are keys to financial success. You’ve heard it before and read it before. But you may not have read about these keys to financial success. You see, these keys to financial success were born out of a lifetime of financial...
30 Cheap or Free Things to Do When You’re on a Budget
So, you’re stuck at home with nothing to do. Or, you’re not necessarily stuck at home, but your budget or other circumstances don’t jive with a costly activity. Luckily, there are lots of activities you can do for free. As our family works hard...
10 Ways to Save on Monthly Food Expenses
Let’s face it, we all need to eat, and monthly food expenses are probably a large part of your budget. Depending on the size of your family, you could reach a mortgage payment amount if you’re not careful. Would you like to learn how to save money...